来源: | 作者:思铂瑞国际物流 | 发布时间: 2022-08-15 | 2742 次浏览 | 分享到:

air bill of lading 空运提单

air freight 空运费

air waybill 航空运单

airport of departure 始发站

airport of destination 目的站

bill of lading 提单

booking list 订仓清单,装货订仓表

cargo in bulk 散装货

cargo insurance 货物运输保险

case NO 箱号

cash against delivery 货到付款

certificate of origin 原产地

consignee 收货人

consignor 发货人,寄售人

country of origin 原产国

customs declaration 报关单

customs house 海关

customs invoice 海关发票

date of arrival 到达日期

date of delivery 交货日期

description 商品名称

Free alongside ship 装运港船边交货

Freight rates 运费率

Gross weight 毛重

Importer 进口商

Invoice 发票

Maritime bill of lading 海运提单

Marks&No 唛头及件数

Net weight 净重

Number of packages 包装件数

Packing list 装箱单

Pallet 托盘

Place of origin 产地

Poor packing 有缺陷的包装

Port of destination 目的地,到达地

Port of discharge 卸货港

Port of dispatch 发货口岸

Port of loading 装货港

Shipment date 装船日期/装运日期

Shipper advice 已装船通知/装船通知

Shipper 托运人

Shipping mark 装运唛头

Specification 规格

Total amount 总价

total packages 包装总数

transshipment goods 转运货物

warning marks 警告性标记

waybill 运单

B/L bill of lading 海运提单

C.C.V.O combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书

CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格

CIF cost insurance and freight 到岸价格

D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单

D/P documents against payment 付款交单

EMS Express Main Ports 特快专递

EXW ex works 工厂交货

FOB free on board 离岸价

L/C letter of credit 信用证

L/G letter of guarantee 担保书,保证书

M/T metric ton 公吨

W.R war risk 战争险

W.W warehouse to warehouse 仓到仓

W/M weight or measurement 重量或体积

S/O shipping order 装货单(下货纸)

LCL less than container load 拼箱货

FCA Free carrier 货交承运人(价)